I have had several occasion's where Java apps would open, and then immediately close. Often, I don't have the time to dig into the reason, as they aren't crucial. So, I just move on. Recently, I was maddened by this happening to an application ( see other blog post on Kindle Previewer ) I really needed to use, so I had to get into the trench. After cracking open the app, and rooting through the various files, I did some spot-checks of the java version used to build the jars ( 2 bytes at offsets 6 & 7 ), as well as had a look at the info.plist, which had the JVMVersion key set at 1.5+. Since Oracle took over Java, Apple has essentially abandoned it to them, and hasn't done an update I *think* since version 6. All of Apple's Tooling for Java stops with JVMVersion key's of 6* and 6+. The short answer to all this is, if something was built using Apple's AppBundler tools, and you have updated Java on your Mac to 7 or above, you're probably SOL to g...
Adventures in programming and hacking.