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Showing posts from December, 2014

The Easy Way to Set up Emacs for Clojure Development on OS X

I had mixed results following The clojure-doc tutorial for Emacs, and found I had to do a few modifications. Following the recipe is easy: I was not able to easily get Aquamacs to work. Frankly, I lost interest after the initial try, and just went with the emacs build for OSX. I might mess with Aquamacs at some future point, but for now, let's just stick with Emacs proper. Install Emacs from brew First, set up Emacs from brew: $ brew install emacs --cocoa --srgb $ brew linkapps Emacs NOTE If you already have Emacs in your Applications folder, the second brew command will fail. To make sure we're on the same page, just rename to something else, like or whatever, then re-run the second brew command to link the Emacs distribution you just installed with brew to your Applications folder. After it successfully runs, you'll have a link in your Applications folder called, "Emacs". Clicking it will open the GUI version of Emacs....